
8 Strategies to Enhance the Patient Journey in Healthcare

8 Strategies to Enhance the Patient Journey in Healthcare
8 Strategies to Enhance the Patient Journey in Healthcare
May 31, 2024
About the author
Mia Española
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The patient journey is a complex process that involves numerous interactions between patients, their families, and healthcare providers. These interactions occur at various stages and touchpoints throughout the healthcare experience. 


The first touchpoint in the patient journey often involves finding a suitable healthcare provider. This could be a primary care physician, a specialist, or a healthcare facility such as a hospital or clinic. Patients and their families may use a variety of resources to find providers, including online search engines, healthcare directories, and recommendations from friends, family, or other healthcare professionals. 

Once a provider has been identified, the next step in the patient journey typically involves scheduling an appointment. This can involve navigating the provider’s scheduling system, which may be online or over the phone, and finding a suitable time for the appointment. This process can be complex and time-consuming, particularly for patients with multiple healthcare needs or those who are coordinating care among several providers.


The next touchpoint in the patient journey is the actual receipt of care. This can involve a variety of interactions, including consultations with healthcare professionals, diagnostic tests, treatments, and follow-up appointments. The quality of these interactions can have a significant impact on the patient’s overall healthcare experience. Finally, the patient's journey often concludes with the process of making payments for the healthcare services received. This can involve navigating complex billing systems, dealing with insurance companies, and managing out-of-pocket expenses. For many patients, this can be one of the most stressful aspects of the healthcare experience.


Healthcare providers use a process known as patient journey mapping to plan and optimize these interactions. This involves creating a visual representation of the patient’s journey, identifying key touchpoints and interactions, and looking for opportunities to improve the patient's experience. By understanding the patient's journey in detail, healthcare providers can ensure that each interaction adds value and contributes to a successful healthcare experience for the patient. This not only improves patient satisfaction but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system as a whole.


Understanding the Patient Journey


The patient's journey covers the entire healthcare experience from the patient’s perspective. It begins when an individual notices a health issue or requires medical care, which could be due to new symptoms, a routine check-up, or preventive care. The subsequent step involves contacting a healthcare provider, such as a family doctor, a specialist, or a medical facility. This initial contact is crucial as it influences the patient’s future interactions and the overall quality of care they will receive.


The journey extends beyond diagnosis and treatment, encompassing the recovery period and any additional steps within the healthcare system. This could involve follow-up visits, rehabilitation services, or long-term care for chronic conditions. It might also entail consulting another specialist or transitioning to a different healthcare facility. Throughout this journey, the patient’s needs and experiences shape their perception of the healthcare system, influencing their satisfaction, trust in their healthcare providers, and overall health outcomes. 


Importance of an Optimal Patient Journey


Optimizing the patient's journey is crucial for several reasons:


1. Attracting Healthcare Consumers: The patient's journey is a crucial factor in deciding which healthcare facility they choose. This journey includes everything from the first symptoms or concerns a patient has, to the research they do to understand their condition, and finally, choosing a healthcare provider. Nowadays, patients are very involved in their healthcare decisions. They are not just patients, but also healthcare consumers who actively research their conditions, learn about their treatment options, and evaluate the reputation of healthcare providers. A healthcare provider's reputation is very important in a patient's decision-making process. Recent studies show that 87% of healthcare consumers say that a provider's reputation greatly influences their choice.


2. Enhancing Patient Care: In healthcare, it's vital to address each patient's unique needs. Doing so not only improves patient engagement but also builds loyalty towards the healthcare provider. Every patient has their own health concerns, lifestyle habits, and comfort levels with medical procedures. By recognizing these differences and tailoring care plans to each individual, healthcare providers can greatly improve the patient's experience. This personalized approach leads to better health outcomes, higher patient satisfaction, and stronger relationships between patients and providers. 


Creating patient personas is a strategic way to achieve personalized care. Patient personas are fictional profiles that represent different patient types based on shared characteristics and health behaviors. These personas help healthcare providers understand the specific needs, preferences, and health goals of different patient groups. By interacting with patients in ways that match their personas, providers can communicate more effectively and gain better cooperation from patients. 


3. Achieving Better Patient Outcomes: Achieving better patient outcomes depends on providing a high-quality patient experience. This means not only good medical treatment but also positive interactions between doctors and patients. When these interactions are better, patients are more likely to follow their treatment plans, which improves their health. Clear communication from doctors about diagnoses, treatment options, and expected results is essential, as is ensuring that patients feel heard and understood.


Additionally, nearly half of healthcare consumers expect personalized communication, including tailored health advice and efficient management of their data. With digital health records becoming more common, patients expect their information to be handled securely and effectively, making their healthcare experience smoother. Therefore, combining improved doctor-patient interactions with efficient data management leads to personalized communication and ultimately better patient outcomes.


4. Reducing Healthcare Costs: Cutting down healthcare costs is a big target in the world of medicine, and making the patient's journey smoother is key to this. A smooth journey for the patient not only makes their experience better but also cuts down the time and money spent on diagnosing them. This is done by skipping tests that aren't needed, which can save patients from extra costs and stress. Also, a smooth patient journey can reduce the time patients spend in the hospital. By making treatment plans better and making care processes more efficient, patients can leave the hospital faster. This not only makes patients more comfortable and helps them recover faster, but it also cuts down the costs that come with staying in the hospital for a long time.


5. Improving Patient-Practitioner Interactions: Facilities that prioritize patient care always ensure they have sufficient staff, a factor that is crucial for maintaining patient safety and managing risks in healthcare. Adequate staffing ensures that each patient receives timely and meticulous care, reducing the likelihood of errors or oversights that could compromise patient safety. Furthermore, these facilities emphasize transparency and financial sustainability in their staffing practices. This involves being forthright about their staff numbers and staffing plans, and ensuring these practices are financially viable in the long term. Such transparency can foster trust with patients and their families, enhancing their overall healthcare experience. Moreover, sustainable staffing practices ensure the facility can continue to provide high-quality care without resorting to cost-cutting measures.


6. Ensuring Safe Staffing: Facilities that focus on this always have enough staff, which is really important for keeping patients safe and managing risks in healthcare. Having enough staff means that each patient gets care that’s on time and careful, which reduces the chance of mistakes or things being missed that could put patient safety at risk. Also, these places focus on being open and financially sustainable in their staffing practices. This means they’re open about how many staff members they have and their plans for staffing, and they make sure these practices can be paid for in the long term. Being open like this can build trust with patients and their families, making their overall experience with healthcare better. Also, sustainable staffing practices make sure the place can keep giving high-quality care without having to cut corners because of money. 


7. Enhancing Facility Reputation: When patients have a positive experience, they are more likely to recommend the facility to others and leave favorable reviews online. These recommendations and reviews can significantly influence the decisions of potential patients, attracting more individuals to the facility. An exceptional patient journey, encompassing effective care processes, clear communication, and a comfortable environment, plays a crucial role in ensuring patient satisfaction. High satisfaction scores not only reflect the quality of care provided but also enhance the facility's public relations. Effective public relations further bolsters the facility's reputation, making it a preferred choice for healthcare.


8. Integrating Advanced Technologies: New technologies are revolutionizing healthcare and transforming the way patients receive care. For instance, telemedicine enables doctors to consult with patients without the need for them to leave their homes, simplifying access to medical assistance. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) serve as a digital archive of a patient's health history, aiding doctors in making informed decisions based on the patient's past medical experiences. Patient portals are interactive websites that allow patients to view their personal health information, schedule appointments, refill prescriptions, and communicate with their doctors. These technologies collectively enhance the patient's experience, making it more streamlined and efficient. They not only help patients feel better and improve their health but can also contribute to reducing healthcare costs.


Common Patient Pain Points

Patients evaluate potential pain points and seek facilities that address their needs. NRC Market insights identify several patient pain points:


1. Reliable Recommendations: 62% of healthcare consumers say that they value these recommendations. This means that more than half of the people who use healthcare services think it’s important to get advice they can trust. They might look for this advice from doctors, other healthcare professionals, or even friends and family who have had similar health issues. 

2. Cost: 72% of healthcare consumers say that the cost is important to them. This means that nearly three-quarters of people who use healthcare services are mindful of how much they have to pay. They might consider the cost of doctor's visits, medication, procedures, or health insurance premiums. 

3. Insurance Coverage: 88% of healthcare consumers say that insurance coverage is important to them. This means that almost nine out of ten people think it's crucial to have their healthcare costs covered by insurance. They might be thinking about whether their insurance will cover doctor's visits, medication, surgeries, or other healthcare services. 

4. Convenience: 77% of healthcare consumers say that convenience is important to them. This means that over three-quarters of people who use healthcare services value the ease and accessibility of these services. They might consider factors like the location of the healthcare facility, the availability of appointments, the waiting time, or the ease of getting prescriptions. 

5. Positive Prior Experience: 0% of healthcare consumers say that having a positive prior experience is important to them. This means that four out of five people who use healthcare services value their past experiences. They might think about their previous interactions with healthcare professionals, the outcome of their treatments, or the quality of care they received. 

Healthcare facilities should demonstrate their ability to resolve or ease these pain points.


Barriers to a Positive Patient Journey

Analyzing the patient's journey helps providers understand patient interactions and improve aspects within their control. Some barriers include:


1. Patient anxiety about recovery

2. Lack of patient education about the healthcare system or health issues

3. Limited patient control over healthcare options due to lack of EHRs and facility interoperability

4. Technological gaps or untrained staff

5. Budgeting priorities that reduce patient satisfaction

6. Ineffective nurse communication and patient hand off

7. Subpar admission and discharge processes

8. Understaffed shifts and absentee employees

9. Overworked nurses experiencing burnout


Providers can address these issues by understanding the patient's perspective and creating a comprehensive healthcare journey map.

Encouraging Positive Online Reviews

Encouraging satisfied patients to leave positive online reviews is a beneficial strategy. Reviews significantly influence the level of trust people place in a healthcare facility and shape its reputation. When patients have a positive experience, sharing this through reviews can bolster others' confidence in choosing the same facility. These reviews serve as valuable insights into the quality of care provided at the facility.


Patient Journey Mapping

Patient journey mapping involves creating a visual representation of the patient's experience within a healthcare facility. This helps stakeholders understand the entire patient experience and is key to improving the patient's journey. The information gathered is used to:


• Improve procedures in healthcare facilities

• Address weak points

• Present healthcare as a consumer journey

Patient journey market research promotes communication between providers, professionals, and patients, aligning with the higher expectations of healthcare consumers.


8 Strategies for a Better Patient Journey

Healthcare facilities can implement these strategies to enhance the patient's journey:


1. Identify Key Stakeholders


The CW1 focuses on improving patient satisfaction by understanding that the patient's journey involves the patient, their family, and healthcare staff. Recognizing the impact of these stakeholders leads to more effective journey strategies.


2. Implement or Improve Patient Journey Mapping


Using online templates or partnering with professionals can help map the patient's journey in specific facilities. A patient journey map might include:


• Stages in the patient journey (touchpoints)

• Expected actions

• Patient experience

• Pain points and concerns

• Potential solutions


3. Personalize Patient Experiences

Personalization in healthcare gives patients control over their care. This can include:


• Preferred communication methods, educational information, and appointment reminder 

• Involving patients in medical decisions

• Allowing patients to choose their care location

• Considering patient budgets when offering care options

• Providing discharge instructions


4. Ensure Adequate Staffing

Only 58% of patients felt there were enough nurses on duty. Confidence in staff reflects staffing levels. Healthcare organizations should ensure:


• Compliance with safe staffing levels

• Fully qualified staff for each shift

• Organized and planned scheduling

• Nurse staffing that supports shorter stays and reduced readmissions


5. Enhance Communication Channels

Effective communication between healthcare providers and patients is crucial. This involves doctors and other healthcare professionals keeping patients informed about their health conditions, treatment plans, and any changes in their care. Various methods, such as phone calls, text messages, and secure patient portals, can be used for this purpose. This approach not only keeps patients informed about their health status but also ensures they remain engaged in their care process.


6. Streamline Administrative Processes


Advanced healthcare management software is a powerful tool that can make healthcare services more efficient and user-friendly. It works by automating various tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing billing, and handling insurance claims. This means that instead of patients and staff having to manually organize appointments or sort out billing details, the software can do it quickly and accurately. As a result, patients experience shorter wait times and less paperwork, making their healthcare journey smoother. Similarly, healthcare staff can focus more on patient care rather than administrative tasks, leading to a more efficient healthcare system overall.


7. Collect and Act on Feedback


Regular collection and analysis of patient feedback is a crucial practice in healthcare. It involves using methods like surveys, suggestion boxes, and digital tools to gather opinions directly from patients. This feedback can reveal areas where the healthcare service might need improvement. For example, patients might suggest changes in appointment scheduling, staff behavior, or the clinic's environment. When healthcare providers take action based on this feedback, it demonstrates their commitment to focusing on the patient's needs and continuously improving their service. 


8. Invest in Staff Training and Development


Continuous learning and skill enhancement for healthcare professionals are crucial. It helps them keep up with the latest medical breakthroughs and effective methods of treatment. This not only elevates the standard of care they provide but also uplifts their spirits and motivation. It prevents them from feeling overwhelmed or burnt out from their demanding roles. As a result, patients receive better care and have a more positive experience during their healthcare journey.

Scheduling a meeting with CW1 can be a great step forward. By collaborating with CW1, you can explore ways to further improve the patient journey, making it more efficient and pleasant for all involved.

About the Author
Mia Española
Mia Española

Senior Partner, Technology and Innovation at CW1


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