
Cookie Policy

  1. What is a cookie?
  2. What types of cookies do we use?
  3. How to control or delete cookies
  4. Changes to this Cookie Policy

Last Update: December 2022

The website "cw1.com" employs a variety of web technologies including cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, and CAPTCHAs to improve the website's performance, enhance the user's browsing experience, and protect the website against spam robots. In certain areas of the website, cookies are also used to gather information about the user in order to provide a more personalized browsing experience. A simple counter is utilized to track the number of visitors who accept or decline the use of cookies, but no information is stored on the user's device.

The following information provides further details about cookies and how to manage them. You can adjust your cookie settings and disable some or all cookies for this website at any time by clicking here.

It is also possible to alter your browser settings to prevent cookies from being placed on your device. If you have any questions regarding the cookies used on this website, please don't hesitate to contact us.

What is a cookie

A cookie is a small piece of information that is stored on your device by a website while you are visiting it. These cookies are sent back to the website on subsequent visits, or to other websites that recognize the cookie. Cookies serve various purposes, such as allowing efficient navigation between pages, remembering preferences, and improving the overall user experience. They may also be used to track whether you have visited the website before or to ensure that the ads you see online are relevant to your interests.

When you first visit this website, you will be given the option to accept or decline the use of cookies on the website. You may also have the option to accept certain categories of cookies and decline others. Please note that any decisions regarding the acceptance or decline of cookies only apply to this website and not to any other websites that may be linked to it. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

There are two types of cookies: first party cookies, which are served directly by us to your device, and third-party cookies, which are served by a third party on our behalf. Cookies may remain on your device for different periods of time, with some being "session cookies" that only exist while your browser is open and are deleted when you close your browser, and others being "permanent cookies" that remain even after your browser is closed.

If we detect that you have enabled the Do Not Track setting or Global Privacy Control signal in your browser, we will automatically disable marketing and targeting cookies.

What cookies do we use?

The website uses cookies that serve four main purposes: essential/strictly necessary cookies, which are essential for the website to function; performance cookies, which help measure the website's performance and improve the user experience without storing any personal data; functionality cookies, which enhance the user experience by remembering settings; and marketing/targeting cookies, which track user activity and sessions to provide a more personalized service. Marketing cookies are set by third parties with whom the website executes marketing campaigns and allow for the delivery of marketing relevant to the user. If the user identifies themselves to the website, such as by filling out a form or signing up for email updates, the website collects information about the user's response to marketing communications and activity on the website. This information is added to the user's personal marketing profile and score, which is used to measure campaign effectiveness and provide relevant content and offers.

The website also uses cookies on certain pages to communicate with third-party data suppliers in order to gather information about the user's digital behavior. This helps the website understand and target more relevant advertising in the future. The information received is all aggregated and anonymous, but may include statistics such as demographics, online behavior, product interests, and lifestyle. Targeting and tracking cookies are provided by trusted third-party suppliers. For more information about these suppliers and how these cookies operate, please contact the website. The website deploys the following cookies:

Cookie SpecificationCookie DesignationPurposeTypeValidityProvider
ARRAffinityARRAffinity Azure CookiesThis cookie is used to assist individuals who need to remain on a specific instance of a web app or website in Azure. It helps identify which Power BI cluster will receive and service the request made by the website when loading embedded content.Third PartySessionMicrosoft Azure
_cltkClarity CookieThis cookie is used to analyse behavioural usage of the website in order to prevent any misudge of the same.Third PartySessionMicrosoft Clarity
_clskClarity CookieThis cookie is used to analyse behavioural usage of the website in order to prevent any misudge of the same.Third PartySessionMicrosoft Clarity
_has_warned_about_full_refreshClarity CookieThis cookie is used to analyse behavioural usage of the website in order to prevent any misudge of the same.Third PartySessionMicrosoft Clarity
__stripe_midStripe MidwareThis cookie allows the enrollment of a new merchant and prevents fraudulent enrollments.Third PartySessionStripe
cw1Cookiescw1 CookiesThis cookie allows us to control the level of permission granted by the user upon accessing cw1 Website.First PartySessionStripe
n_permcw1 CookiesThis cookie allows us to control if you have given prior consent for the usage of cookiese.First PartySessionStripe
n_functioncw1 CookiesThis cookie allows us to control if you have given prior consent for the usage of functional cookiese.First PartySessionStripe
n_perfcw1 CookiesThis cookie allows us to control if you have given prior consent for the usage of Performance cookiese.First PartySessionStripe
n_markcw1 CookiesThis cookie allows us to control if you have given prior consent for the usage of Advertising/Marketing cookiese.First PartySessionStripe
__hsscHubspotThis cookies hubspot to monitor the user session in relation to the exchange of messages in the chat with us.First PartySessionStripe
__hmplHubspotThis cookies hubspot to monitor the user session in relation to the exchange of messages in the chat with us.First PartySessionStripe
HUBLYTICS_EVENTS_53HubspotThis cookies hubspot to monitor the user session in relation to the exchange of messages in the chat with us.First PartySessionStripe
__hstcHubspotThis cookies hubspot to monitor the user session in relation to the exchange of messages in the chat with us.First PartySessionStripe
__hssrcHubspotThis cookies hubspot to monitor the user session in relation to the exchange of messages in the chat with us.First PartySessionStripe
hubspotutkHubspotThis cookies allows us to connect a platform HUBSpot to communicate directly between us and possible interested parties that have interest in CW1's content.First PartySessionStripe

How to control or delete cookies?

You have the right to choose whether or not to accept cookies and we explain how to exercise this right below. Please note that if you choose to refuse cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of the website.

You can change your cookie settings at any time by clicking here. Alternatively, you can block all cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies, including essential ones, you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.

If you accept some or all cookies on the website, you can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the option to accept or decline it.

Changes to this Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our practices and services. When updates are made, the "Last updated" date at the top of the policy will be revised. If we make any significant changes to the way we collect, use, and/or share information held in cookies, we will prominently post a notice of the changes on the website. It is recommended that you check this page regularly to stay informed about any updates to this Cookie Policy or any of our other policies.


CW1 AB / CW1 Inc is responsible for your data. Cookies are used to analyze traffic & customize content. Please see our cookie policy for more information.