
The pos-Covid Path for Healthcare

The pos-Covid Path for Healthcare
Mia Española
29 July 2024

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The COVID-19 pandemic caused chaos that led to a big change. Suddenly governments started to rethink how healthcare is delivered, by highlighting vulnerabilities and inefficiencies within existing healthcare systems, while creating a pressing need for innovative and disruptive approaches to address the challenges.

The repercussions of the pandemic, such as changes in patient preferences and the strain on healthcare resources, require a strategic reevaluation of traditional healthcare models.

Providers such as hospitals must adopt other types of innovation and disruption to overcome the obstacles posed by the new normal. The post-COVID era demands a forward-thinking mindset, where organisations are proactive in identifying and capitalising on emerging opportunities. They need (and are obliged) to transform their operations, enhance patient experiences, and achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive landscape.

This report encompasses the exploration of strategic planning and disruptive strategies for health companies in the post-COVID era. It specifically focuses on the assumption of rerouting outpatients patients from hospitals to other existing solutions and highlights the significance of strategic growth efforts cantered around person-centred care. The report will analyse current trends, identify key areas for investment and hiring, and provide actionable recommendations for health companies to become disruptors in the industry.


2023 Assumption

This report encompasses the exploration of strategic planning and disruptive strategies for health companies in the post-COVID era. It specifically focuses on the assumption of rerouting outpatients patients from hospitals to other existing solutions and highlights the significance of strategic growth efforts cantered around person-centred care. The report will analyse current trends, identify key areas for investment and hiring, and provide actionable recommendations for health companies to become disruptors in the industry. 


The pandemic changed the healthcare sector thinking. A fast response was required when the pandemic struck Europe and the US in September 2020, and it continued to evolve until reaching its peak in March 2022. The world has survived, but it was evident that changes were necessary.

It's clear that the post-COVID era demands a strategic response, with 40% of industry pioneers anticipating jumps of 10% or more during 2023. As the demand for ambulatory care surges, healthcare providers must adapt and optimise their services, signalling a shift in how patients seek and perceive healthcare treatment. In an effort to avoid lengthy waiting times and appointments for medical treatment, more individuals should opt for looking other alternatives. The choice should be driven by the relatively lower cost compared to traditional private alternatives, as well as the convenience of not having to visit and queuing for many hours at a hospital.

Healthcare leaders project that outpatient volumes will continue to increase, with a staggering 95% expecting an upward trend. This surge in outpatient care has significant implications for health companies, as it requires them to adapt and transform themselves.

This report aims to guide health companies towards strategic success and resilience in the post-COVID healthcare landscape. Read the full report here:


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