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AI Implementation in Medical Practices

July 15, 2024 | case-study

AI Implementation in Medical Practices

CW1 and one of its trusted partners have joined forces to create a new platform that uses generative AI to reduce the workload caused by patient inquiries in medical practices.


Together with one of our newest partners, we have focused on optimizing processes and patient workflows in a medical practice. With the help of AI, the CW1 team was able to reduce the overload of patient inquiries by phone by categorizing them into the appropriate categories (prescriptions, bookings, opinions, etc.).


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Need for optimization in German medical practices


Imagine entering a medical practice where everything runs like clockwork. Sounds utopian? Maybe not. Many practices and Medical Care Centers (MVZ) in Germany are looking for ways to improve their daily routines. And for good reason!


Some practices care for over 400 patients daily. That's like serving a small village - every day! Clearly, this can sometimes be overwhelming.


Now you might think: "With the shortage of skilled workers? Impossible!" But don't worry, there is hope. With the right strategy, it can work. The trick? Custom-made solutions instead of one-size-fits-all approaches. Every practice is different and needs its own plan. In doing so, we must never forget one thing: patient safety comes first. At the same time, processes should run as smoothly as possible. A balancing act? Yes, but doable!


Who knows - maybe these optimized practices will one day even become a model for other countries. Germany as a pioneer in efficient healthcare? That would be something!

About the author(s)
Senior Partner, Technology and Innovation at CW1
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