
Manufacturing Data Privacy Compliance Trends in 2023

What to look out for?

Manufacturing Data Privacy Compliance Trends in 2023
Sarah Johansson
8 March 2023
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In today's digital age, data privacy has become a top concern for individuals and organizations alike. The manufacturing industry, in particular, is facing a significant challenge in ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations. With the rise of connected devices, data breaches, and cyber attacks, manufacturing companies must stay up to date on the latest privacy compliance trends to protect their customers' data and avoid hefty fines. In this article, we will discuss the manufacturing data privacy compliance trends to watch for in 2023.

Introduction to Data Privacy Compliance in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry has always had to comply with numerous regulations and laws governing safety, quality, and environmental impact. However, data privacy has become an increasingly important compliance issue in recent years. Data privacy refers to the protection of personal and sensitive information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. In the manufacturing industry, this includes data on customers, suppliers, employees, and intellectual property.

Manufacturing companies must comply with various data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines and damage to a company's reputation.

Manufacturing Data Privacy Compliance Trends to Watch in 2023

Trend 1: Greater Emphasis on Privacy by Design

Privacy by design is an approach that should be adopted by all companies, regardless of their industry. This approach involves incorporating privacy considerations into the design and development of products, services, and systems from the outset of a project. In the manufacturing industry, there will be a greater emphasis on privacy by design in 2023, which is an important step towards ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

By embracing privacy by design, companies can proactively identify and address potential privacy risks, reducing the likelihood of data breaches and non-compliance. This approach also demonstrates a commitment to protecting personal information and can help build customer trust and loyalty.

To implement privacy by design successfully, companies must integrate privacy considerations into their business processes and ensure that employees receive regular training on data protection regulations. It is also crucial to conduct regular privacy impact assessments to identify and address privacy risks early in the product development lifecycle. Furthermore, companies must ensure that their data protection policies and procedures are updated regularly to reflect changes in technology and the regulatory landscape. This requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders, from the boardroom to the factory floor, to build a culture of privacy and compliance.

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Data & vendors

Trend 2: More Stringent Data Breach Notification Requirements

Data breaches are a significant risk for manufacturing companies, as they can result in the loss or theft of sensitive data. In 2023, we can expect to see more stringent data breach notification requirements for manufacturing companies. This means that companies will be required to notify customers and regulators of a data breach within a shorter timeframe than currently required. This will help to reduce the potential impact of a data breach and increase transparency.

Trend 3: Increased Focus on Vendor Management

Many manufacturing companies work with numerous vendors, including suppliers, logistics providers, and technology partners. These vendors often have access to sensitive data, making them a potential risk for non-compliance. In 2023, there will be an increased focus on vendor management in the manufacturing industry. This will involve ensuring that vendors are also compliant with data privacy regulations and that contracts include appropriate provisions for data protection.

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Trend 4: Adoption of Privacy Enhancing Technologies

Privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) are technologies that help to protect personal and sensitive data. In 2023, we can expect to see an increased adoption of PETs in the manufacturing industry. This includes technologies such as encryption, anonymization, and tokenization. By using PETs, manufacturing companies can reduce the risk of data breaches and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

Trend 5: Increased Demand for Data Privacy Professionals

As data privacy becomes an increasingly important compliance issue, there will be an increased demand for data privacy professionals in the manufacturing industry. This includes roles such as data protection officers, privacy analysts, and compliance officers. These professionals will be responsible for ensuring that manufacturing companies comply with data privacy regulations and that appropriate privacy controls are in place.


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