
How can SBUs fight back high interest rates

How can SBUs fight back high interest rates
Antony Desmond
1 March 2023
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High interest rates can have a significant impact on businesses, particularly those with high levels of debt or those that rely heavily on borrowing. However, strategic business units (SBUs) can be an example of how businesses can diminish the impact of high interest rates.

Research has shown that companies with decentralized structures, such as those incorporating SBUs, often outperform centralized structures in terms of financial performance. In a study conducted by McKinsey & Company, companies with decentralized structures achieved an average annual growth rate of 5.6%, compared to just 1.6% for their centralized counterparts. Furthermore, companies with decentralized structures also displayed higher profit margins and returns on equity. This is due to the fact that decentralized structures allow for efficient resource allocation, faster decision-making, and greater flexibility in response to changes in the market. For example, SBUs can quickly adjust their financing and pricing strategies to mitigate the impact of higher borrowing costs in the event of an increase in interest rates.

Futhermore, SBUs can provide valuable insights into the performance of individual business units, which enables management consultants to identify areas of strength and weakness within the organization. By analyzing the financial and operational data of each SBU, consultants can recognize patterns, trends, and opportunities for improvement, and develop tailored strategies that optimize the performance of each business unit and the organization as a whole.

How can SBUs fight back high interest rates

Diversifying funding sources is a practical approach that SBUs can adopt to reduce their vulnerability to interest rate fluctuations. Relying solely on debt financing, such as bank loans, can leave SBUs exposed to interest rate changes, but diversifying funding sources can help spread the risk. By raising capital through equity, asset sales, or strategic partnerships, SBUs can reduce their dependence on debt financing and spread their risk across multiple investors.

According to a report by PwC, companies that diversified their sources of funding had a lower cost of capital and were better able to navigate economic downturns than those that relied solely on debt financing. Diversifying funding sources has proven to be a successful strategy for mitigating risks associated with interest rate fluctuations. However, diversifying funding sources can also present challenges. SBUs may need to adjust their financial management practices to accommodate new funding sources, and managing multiple funding sources can result in higher administrative costs. Nonetheless, the benefits of diversifying funding sources can outweigh the challenges.

SBUs may need to adjust their financial management practices to accommodate new funding sources, and managing multiple funding sources can result in higher administrative costs.

By incorporating SBUs and diversifying funding sources, businesses can mitigate the impact of high interest rates and improve their overall financial health. SBUs provide companies with more flexibility to respond to market changes, while diversifying funding sources reduces risk and enables businesses to unlock new opportunities for growth and profitability.

Another way that SBUs can diminish the impact of high interest rates is by focusing on their core competencies and competitive advantages. By investing in areas where they have a competitive edge, SBUs can generate higher returns on their investments and increase their profitability, even in a high interest rate environment. This focus on core competencies also allows SBUs to be more selective in their investments and avoid unnecessary spending on projects that may not generate a sufficient return.

In addition to diversifying their sources of financing and focusing on their core competencies, SBUs can also mitigate the impact of high interest rates by adopting a more flexible pricing strategy. By adjusting their prices in response to changes in interest rates, SBUs can maintain their profitability while still remaining competitive in the marketplace. For example, if interest rates rise, SBUs can increase their prices to offset the higher borrowing costs, while still offering competitive prices to their customers.

By investing in areas where they have a competitive edge, SBUs can generate higher returns on their investments and increase their profitability, even in a high interest rate environment

Finally, SBUs can mitigate the impact of high interest rates by adopting a more conservative financial management approach. By maintaining adequate levels of liquidity and cash reserves, SBUs can reduce their reliance on debt financing and avoid the need to take on additional debt during periods of high interest rates. This conservative approach to financial management can help SBUs weather economic downturns and reduce their overall risk exposure.

How about ESG framework?

As the global economy becomes increasingly volatile, companies are seeking ways to mitigate risks and stabilize their financial positions. One effective strategy is the implementation of strategic business units (SBUs) that operate as autonomous entities within larger organizations, allowing them to react quickly to market changes and minimize the impact of high interest rates.

To further strengthen their financial positions, companies are also turning to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies. ESG factors have become increasingly important for investors, regulators, and customers alike, as they focus on the long-term sustainability and ethical practices of companies. Implementing ESG strategies can help companies attract and retain customers, reduce regulatory risks, and improve their overall financial performance. However, while SBUs and ESG strategies can provide significant benefits, they also require strict adherence to regulation and internal policies. For example, SBUs must operate within the framework set by their parent organization and comply with relevant laws and regulations. Failure to do so can result in legal and reputational damage.

Similarly, companies implementing ESG strategies must ensure that they are not engaging in "greenwashing" or using superficial sustainability measures to improve their public image. ESG strategies require a deep commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, and companies must be transparent in their reporting and disclosure.

while SBUs and ESG strategies can provide significant benefits, they also require strict adherence to regulation and internal policies. For example, SBUs must operate within the framework set by their parent organization and comply with relevant laws and regulations.

SBUs and ESG strategies can provide companies with significant benefits in terms of financial stability and sustainability. However, they require strict adherence to regulation and internal policies to ensure that they are implemented effectively. Companies that prioritize these strategies and maintain a commitment to ethical practices are likely to see long-term success and growth in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.


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